Moo has a cold again, and even in her cute new bunny shirt from her Annie and Uncle Steve, she is a pitiful sight.  Red, tear-streaked face, swollen, purple eyes, nose rubbed raw from wiping, and multiple scratches around her nose and cheeks where she has clawed in frustration at her stuffed-up little schnozz.

At least we went over a month between colds this time – that’s an improvement, right?

We had our “Second Christmas” celebration last night with my parents, who were at my sister’s house last week.  I continued on my frankly AWESOME cooking streak, serving spinach and artichoke dip, lemony chicken risotto, baked sweet potatoes with maple sour cream, and a boring salad.  But all my cooking success meant nothing when our Christmas redux dinner was interrupted three minutes in by a frantically screeching child:  “I ALL DOOONE!!!!!!! AHHEEOOHAAWAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!”

So the star of our Christmas evening was not quite up to the task, but we didn’t have an understudy, so she just had to dig deep for her last reserves of charm, which luckily, she found just in time to open her Christmas presents from Nana and Grandpa.  She managed to serve us some cupcakes and pizza on her new dishes before demanding (?!?!) to go to bed.

Sleep well, my angel.  The theatre is dark today, but you’ve got two performances tomorrow, and we should really go over that dance section again.  I know falling down and saying “oops”  is cute and all, but your audience pays good money, and they want to see your cool dance moves.  Especially that twirl, march, lunge, hands-in-the-air combo – oh yes, that’s a keeper.

We survived!

Even better, we practically excelled!

Thanks to… hmm, let’s call her Kristin… thanks to Kristin’s incredible professionalism, talent, and behind-the-scenes preparation, our new Bianca strutted the stage without a hitch yesterday, improving our show tenfold.

There was still a bit of snarking over our recently-departed (in a huff, with tear-streaked cheeks and hot pink shorty shorts) “Old Bianca,” but hopefully we’ll work out any leftover snit fits over our turkey and gravy and arrive for our final weekend with fresh attitudes.

The working theory is that Old Bianca must have thought she was really screwing us by quitting so abruptly.  Little did she know that her unofficial understudy had been quietly practicing for weeks and weeks.

Soooo SAYONARA, SISTER!  Good luck getting cast in any theatre production in Phoenix, ever again.

Although, I’m sure deep down you’re a nice person, and you have pretty hair, and I know someday you’ll grow into a responsible and contributing member of society.

Or you’ll just let Daddy cure all your ills with his credit cards.

Did I say that out loud?  Oops.