Hi, I’m Kathryn, a.k.a. Mama Rose.  I always dreamed of being on stage, and so now, I’m on a quest to get cast in something – ANYthing – by the end of March 2009.  I’d like to finally give my old childhood dream a chance to come true, because I never gave it a chance when I should have, years ago. 

I feel I should also state that I am not just some completely deluded hack.  I do have some background, training, and possibly a modicum of talent in the field of hamming it up on stage.  I attended a fine arts school in New York (City, not Peekskill) and actually graduated.  I’ve studied dance my whole life, but admittedly haven’t done many plie’s since Moo was born.

Moo and her daddy Herbie are the loves of my life.  My family is everything to me and I’ll be writing about them too, since I’m crazy about them, and since they’re also part of this quest – they have no choice, they live with me!

If you’re a mom, or a theatre-lover, or if you ever had a dream that you let drift away, I hope you’ll find my blog interesting, and maybe come along for the ride.  Thanks for reading.

2 Responses to “Meet Mama”

  1. daveross Says:

    I have a dream to have my script for a stage musical put on a stage before I’m 45! Maybe we whould get together or not, as I’m in London! Take a look at http://daveross.wordpress.com/2008/02/02/jimmy-blue-by-david-ross-with-the-music-of-del-amitri/
    You can play Maggie!
    Good luck with your dream, without us amateurs with dreams there would be nothing

  2. chorusgirl Says:

    Really interesting blog! I feel your pain about auditions, rehearsals, etc. It’s cathartic to write about it, though. I just started on a similar blog… http://chorusgirl.wordpress.com/
    Good luck with family, theatre, etc.!

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